Black History in Two Minutes

Narrated by renowned historian Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and executive produced by Robert F. Smith, the digital series “Black History in Two Minutes (or so)” features nearly 100 short, engaging videos about important, but often overlooked, people and events that shaped American history. In collaboration with Sara Wicht Consulting, Square Lightning edited and designed the Black History in Two Minutes Teaching Guides for Seasons 1 and 2, integrating rich historical imagery with bold, modern design elements. The robust guides include lessons, timelines, performance tasks and text-dependent questions, presented in a modular format that can support student engagement in any setting where young people learn. Presented by Be Woke.Vote and produced by McGee Media.

Square Lightning is a full-service communications and design agency providing branding for nonprofits, graphic design for nonprofits, and website design for nonprofits, such as Black History in Two Minutes, featured here.

Global Project Against Hate and Extremism


The Latinx House