Critical Learning Collaborative

Critical Learning Collaborative (CLC) partners with schools, districts, and organizations to support justice-centered learning communities and help educators and staff members deepen their equity literacy skills. SQL collaborated with co-founders Mayra and Madeline to establish a visual identity for the CLC brand, choosing a combination of warm and cool colors to communicate a friendly yet sophisticated look and feel. Creative Director Russell Estes took the design elements of a sun and tree rings and used them to refine CLC’s logo concept, carrying the shapes throughout the website. Editorial Director Adrienne van der Valk worked with the founders to write and stage content that clearly communicates the organization's mission, values, and offerings. The result is a site that is visually inviting and powerful in its message.

Square Lightning is a full-service communications and design agency providing branding for nonprofits, graphic design for nonprofits, and website design for nonprofits.

The Latinx House


Justice for Migrant Women