Girl Rising

Girl Rising is an international nonprofit organization using the power of storytelling to influence how the world values girls and their education. Through their global programs, Girl Rising partners with local communities to break the barriers many girls face when seeking to attend school. 

Along with thought partner Valerie Downes, Square Lightning collaborated with Girl Rising to reimagine the organization’s visual identity and brand, also creating a complementary identity for Future Rising, which uses the lens of empowering girls to focus on climate change. We designed a fresh new logo along with an expanded color palette, typography selection, and updated brand usage guidelines. Our goal was to preserve the integrity of the organization’s previous identity while also creating a more contemporary and inclusive look, feel and tone.

Square Lightning is a full-service communications and design agency providing branding for nonprofits, graphic design for nonprofits, and website design for nonprofits, such as Girl Rising, featured here.

Ellis Marsalis Center for Music


Justice Lab at Columbia University